Me and my favorite little people.

Oh Boy! Oh Boy!

We've done this in May the past three or four years. The weather was great
and there weren't 3 million people. Yay!

Patrick and Caleb making the most of time together.
This is the night before at Downtown Disney. Lots of fun music and entertainment to celebrate
Cinco de Mayo.

We went to both parks. Fun times in A bug's land.
Alison and Stephanie wouldn't get off Heimlich's Chew Chew Train!

Caleb let Cory drive the bumper cars even though he wasn't tall enough...

Sara, Hannah and the really big bear.

Patrick and I with the Car's car's. (I'm sure the punctuation is wrong on that)

Jesus trying to explain to Elena why he ran over her after she fell out of the stroller...
"It's ok dad"

The parade looked fun as we looked at it over the heads of the people while we walked to the main gate. Here is some of the pounds of confetti that fell on the streets at the end. Little tissue Mickey Mouse heads.! Aren't they adorable.

Janae and Ben got to join us after work. Once again Uncle Brandon comes through with free tickets!

Until next year.
Good times, noodle salad.

At the Relay for Life:
Caleb watching someone get a pie in the face.

I've heard that this is the biggest event like it in the country. I'm so glad I went.