Ben's (and Janae's) OCMCO Concert. Cory was the lucky one who
got to go with me.
Once again a fabulous night.
Jerry and I went to Ketchican, Alaska in March. He was judging the State Junior Miss Competition. It was crazy to be in a place so remote - you can only get there by airplane or ferry. They don't have a Target so I could never live there, but the halibut was to die for! During the tourist season - when the cruise ships come - there are thousands of people. But it was very cold and quiet while we were there. (And we ate real reindeer sausage.)
St. Patrick's Day
March 2010
Connie!! You've got it, and I don't even know what it is, but you've got it! I think you are hilarious. Does anyone else know??
Well Jay Leno called once but I told him to get his own jokes.
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