Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fun is:

Fun is putting a puzzle together for three weeks and finding out it has two missing pieces... NOT!

Fun is the beach.
Fun is sitting in a box.

Fun is sitting in a wagon!

Fun is being at the cemetery! (Yes, we can have fun at the cemetery.) It would have been more fun without the red ants...
We had a cookies on a blanket and thoughts of family - how blessed we are, friends - ditto, and country - Thanks for great sacrifices.

Fun is being at the beach with Ben. Sara flew home for some sunshine.

Fun is working on the tan.

Fun is warming up.
Fun is getting sand in her shorts.

Fun is jammin'

Fun is having a ponytail!

Fun is playing kickball at the park.

And fun is going to the JB Mustache Party.
The end.