The day the diploma arrived!!

This is random I know but I found these stockings this week when I was cleaning out a closet and wanted to take a picture before I gave them to Goodwill. I made them for the Noriega House when we decorated it for Christmas with my good friends Audrey Horlacher, Heidi Pfeffer, Varlene Turner and Bettie Taylor. Anyway I loved the gorgeous lace I found to put on them and thought I should have a picture. (F & M's ladies)

I have two silly grandsons. They get so excited when they see each other at church or at their apartment or my house. I love it now that they can say 'oh hi gwama', tell me secrets (Patrick), or say 'doin grama, doin?' 'where Hannah is?' (Caleb) and I love to watch them when they don't know it. They are in such wonder of everything.


And then I have the two sweetest granddaughters. I think it feeds me in some way to hold them and touch their soft warm faces. I hope I appreciated that with my own children but probably didn't think of it very often like most busy mothers.

The 'sling' babies.
So Sara - she has moved home for awhile and it has been so fun (for us). It probably won't last too long - as soon as she studies, takes and passes her test to be a certified lab tech she will be off to a job somewhere near the ocean.
But while she is here we have parties - and most of them involve cooking.
We found out one day that it was Chinese New Year so... she told Alison to make red a velvet cake, and she made spring rolls, lettuce wraps and other treats, and found a pattern for a paper sack dragon we helped the boys make.

Another day she made red cupcakes.

Then for Valentines she made red sugar cookies and spent half a day decorating them.
They were awesome!

Tonight she made homemade donuts.

I can't wait to see what comes next.