Sometimes if you pass the CPA exam - you get a bag of Peanut M & M's!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes if you catch a bug, you bring it to grandma's house: One day Caleb came through the front door with a praying mantis in his bug catcher. He was so excited. 'Gwamma, isn't it great! It's your favorite bug!' He is right.
He let it ride in the train, have a bath in the doll house and crawl all over him.

Sometimes, if you're really good in Primary you get to go to Cold Stone with grandma. Caleb went the week before. This week they both get to go!! Hurray!

Sometimes we color Easter eggs in September....

Sometimes grandma takes two four-year-old's to the movies.

Sometimes we all climb in bed with Sara.

Sometimes, if we still fit in our wedding dress... we try it on!
Sometimes we play swords, sometimes we climb trees.

And sometimes we have a lot of birthday parties: